Thursday, March 10, 2016


Everything that is created from an invention to a business started with an idea. The chair you are sitting in, the computer device that your reading this post on began with someone's thought or idea. Have you ever had an idea and chose not to act on the idea because you thought that maybe it was kind of corny or you didn't know how to go about getting that idea or invention into action without any money or business plan then you forget about it and all of a sudden you are watching television one day then you notice your very idea is being paraded around by someone else on an infomercial??? How sad and fooled you feel because you had thrown your idea away and chose not to act on it but I have come to realize that ideas unused are your trash that becomes someone else's treasure so be sure to write out your ideas and never be afraid to act on your ideas it may just be the invention the world has been waiting for to make the difference that needs to be made.