Thursday, May 12, 2016

Invest in your Ideas, build your tomorrow or someone else will.

Ask yourself, if what your doing today is getting you closer to where you want to be tomorrow?
Many of us can look at this picture and we could truly ask ourselves this question and statistically for many of us, we unfortunately become boggled down with the stress of everyday life that we lack the time or the determination to make goals and dreams happen for ourselves because let's face it most of us have families that we have to provide for and we just lack the time to do it, appear to be the excuses we usually give ourselves. After much evaluation and observation of those around me and others I notice that the one thing that hold most of us back is #1 Fear #2 Discipline. Fear is that invisible troll that none of us can physically see but plagues our hopes, dreams and destroy our ideas before we can even have an opportunity to even attempt to write a plan for this idea or goal. When you have an idea it is very important that you write those ideas down. Secondly, I would suggest that you become educated in the area of your idea, for instance if you have the goal of owning your own cafe it is important that you educate yourself about the inner and outer workings of a cafe and entrepreneurship. Along with doing that, you may be an amazing chef but you are not the most business savvy person in your area to run a business so this is when you would have to make the executive decision too ensure that have people too run the business aspect while you run the kitchen. However, I would definitely suggest to those with this vision of opening a cafe or any vision whatsoever to align your natural knowledge with your supernatural knowledge which are your ideas, so that you can eventually make this idea or dream a reality as well as a success. If you get one salt and pepper shaker at a time just know that you can do it. Adversity greets all of us at some point in life, some of us more frequently than others but that is when you have to become determined and inspired to make things happen for yourself. I didn't believe that ideas are recycled but they are, at least that's my opinion. Have you ever had one of those moments when you had an idea and you thought because you didn't have any money to fund the idea or you thought of an idea but you just let it slip your mind because you didn't know who to turn too in order to make this idea become a reality, so you no longer entertained the idea and then at some point in the future your sitting back nonchalantly and are watching the television and you see an infomercial with the same exact idea you had but you was unwilling to care and nurture the idea, so someone else did. Don't let anyone else profit off of your idea. Invest in yourself and work hard to get where you want to be in the future.

Ability, Motivation and Attitude. How far will you go?

This word capable takes me back to my days as young child, socializing in the single file lines of my elementary school halls in which I was being a regular kid, constantly being told too keep quiet. be still, keep your hands too yourself, etc. I recall the days of serving in after school detention because I wouldn't apply myself and follow directions. everyone could see what I was unable to comprehend at such a young age and that was my capabilities. Unfortunately, I still feel as if there are days that I don't take my instructors advice and fully apply myself. We have the ability and the capabilities to do such great things but often times it takes other people to see it within us the very ability that we can't see within ourselves. Most of us never scratch the surface of our potential and what we are capable of because we lack encouragement, direction or most of all motivation. Motivation is something that drives you to do something but the way motivation works it can be internal for some and for others' they may obtain their motivation by factors outside of themselves. No matter if motivation is internal or externally driven for you we all need to be motivated. Those who are internally motivated on their own to work toward goals or accomplishment usually have no need for an entire cheer leading team, a life coach and constant encouragement. However, I myself am one of those people who has to have external stimulation to become motivated to proceed into my capabilities. To do so I surround myself with people who push me. I listen to motivational and inspirational cd's to get me pumped. I recall there was only one thing in my life I never needed motivation or encouragement to do and that was to practice, perform and compete with the two instruments that I was an amazing student of and that was being Clarinetist. That is the only thing that I didn't have to be told the importance of investing my time, energy and effort into it. It was my first love, my outlet my escape from the age of 12-19. I traveled and performed in musical competitions on the local and state level. For me as talented as I was my attitude was horrible. I was your typical rebellious teenager but I also knew that was the one thing that I was truly good at doing and that was playing those two musical instruments and loving the true Art of Music. I accomplished many things musically even, got awarded a music scholarship to college but because my attitude was not the greatest my talent alone wasn't enough to keep me at the top of my game. So, whatever your passionate about or whatever goals you are working towards just remember, know that you are capable, stay determined or motivated and have a positive attitude while on the journey.