Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Develop Tunnel Vision, Laser Your Focus

Develop Tunnel Vision, Laser Your Focus and you will have NO EXCUSES!!!

It is very important that when you are working towards your goals that you learn to keep your eyes straight ahead and achieve the task at hand. In this busy life that most of us live in, it is so easy to get distracted, complacent or give up on our desires, purpose, destiny or goals. We should always be working toward something to make our lives better but often times that just isn't the case, because we allow things around us to obtain more of our attention than what is straight ahead and that is the destination or desired goal. When I look at this tunnel I could only imagine the fear and anxiety that would be going through my mind if I were to walk through it I would simply want to escape, but just correlate that with reality, you will have some fear and anxiety being closed in a mediocre life knowing that something greater resides within you fighting your procrastination, laziness or doubt just dying to get out and positively affect the world but we allow ourselves to become overwhelmed by fear and distraction that we never reach our end goal. So choose to focus and develop tunnel vision so you will have no more excuses in achieving the goals you set for yourself. Vision really does simplify everything else, in life, because it directs you to where you should be going!

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Mental Toughness

Your Mind doesn't go where you don't push it!
One of the most rewarding things but yet the toughest thing to do is to train the mind. Oh yes train the mind, it can be done. Successful people are not developed and relentless because they are lazy they become successful because they are not afraid to look a challenge in the face and put in the hard work and countless hours to achieve the goal they want to reach. Through observation, I have gathered that a lot of accomplished people have spent time focusing and for most of us that would take a lot of work if you suffer from getting distracted really easily like myself. Something that I found to be very beneficial is repeating a mantra 'the strength of your mind will always be your driving force to achieving anything'. In the busy lifestyles many of us live, what better time than now, then to began to strengthen the mind. Detox the mind and the way to do that is to have some quiet time to yourself and when you are sitting quietly at first your thoughts are going to bounce around and they may even rage like a bull but it is a process, a training process, the more often you do it the more quiet and calm the mind can become. Having peace within your mind indirectly grants you a level of mental toughness needed to get through adverse times as well as to achieve goals.