Sunday, December 25, 2016

A Year Round Grinch? No I'm Enforcing Boundaries.

I must admit that sometimes I feel like a year round Grinch. However, as I have examined not all but many that have gravitated towards me they get a level of gratification from the comfort of the conversation that they receive. I didn't assume this on my own I did indeed have the audacity to ask and some I did not ask because they volunteered that information in that they feel so comfortable talking with me and that makes me feel so good. However, after constantly listening to other people's problems or life's issues the photo of the woman above is exactly what I feel like on the inside. I literally feel as if I am a ball of emotions that are about to let loose and scream because I have made myself too emotionally available to listening to others' people's problems. Let me just say that I am a huge believer in therapy and counseling so I do encourage people that I come into contact with that clearly I am not a licensed professional and I think you would benefit more if you put that Medical Insurance too use because in fact if you are in the United States we are required by Law to have it. In other words' please stop telling me your problems because I have my own and you need to speak with someone who is trained or get paid on how to deal with your issues and who get paid enough to take your issues home with them. I hate to sound completely insensitive but too me the most insensitive thing is that people who are like me that are extremely sensitive to certain things continue to make themselves available to leeches and bloodsuckers. My New Year will not consist of babysitting other people's issues and being taken advantage of by those who come in contact with me I just have to be bold and enforce those boundaries and don't feel guilty about protecting my own sense of sanity. Throughout this entire year and throughout my past I have been entangled in other people issues and I found myself motivating people, encouraging people and cheering on others to get through their hurdles but now I seem to be the one that has run out of gas. My energy has become depleted and though many of those relationships I have seemed to break free from its as if I continue to attract the same type of people. I have become convinced of two things: 1) I definitely need to learn more about the Law of Attraction and 2) Is this natural motivation and exhortation that I offer to others' a gift/talent if so why do I feel like I am the one who has received the short end of the stick? I have found that people can be sooooo DRAINING. I hate the feeling of being drained after I encounter certain conversations. The other person feels so refreshed and I feel as if I have gotten into the WWE Ring with the best woman athlete such Awesome Kong or the late Chyna and I have been whipped and beaten from one end of the ring to the next. If this doesn't make matters worse these types of people actually want to be in my daily circle and I am like no way. I cannot survive this relationship/friendship. I am going to be more committed to taking better emotional care of myself. I am going on a serious quest for the year 2017 well actually I have already started. I am creating boundaries that if in fact you call me and if I feel like you want to release and get something off your chest I will not answer the phone. I had already started to incorporate this notion and the leeches had gotten smart to what I was doing so they started the conversation asking about my day and showing a false interest in what my day had been like and once they had my attention they swooped in and dropped their issues of the day. In my mind I would think, I just got tricked then sucked in at the same time. I am thinking if I ever get free of certain people I am never getting back entangled with them. I hope that I would be wise enough to identify that type of individual characteristics and not get entangled with someone new with those same "Energy Draining" attributes. So in short, I am taking back control of my air space aka my personal space. Everyone or Anyone will not be allowed in my personal circle. If you have to incorporate these boundaries also you are not wrong!!!! Let those other people find someone else they can drain. Lastly, be okay if they see you in a negative manner or saying things such as you have changed. Don't feel badly if they talk bad about you, your focus needs to be getting healthy emotionally and staying healthy emotionally. Remember, you are your first priority. 

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