Monday, February 20, 2017

Decisions, Decisions, Decisions!

     Many of us have been here. We have all be experienced being in a state of indecisiveness. However, for some of us, the inability to make decisions are just a way of life, like procrastination is a way of life for some, being late a way of life for others'. I hate to compare indecisiveness to the traits of poor habits but that was the analogy that came to me at the particular time.

     If you have ever had the opportunity to take standardized testing in Western Culture most teachers when preparing their students for test many of them will often encourage their students to go with your first choice. When you mark an answer or choose your answer unless you are absolutely sure do not change that answer because your first choice is often the right choice. So maybe, just maybe could it all be possible to apply this concept with our lives outside the academic setting? Certainly!
I do believe that this concept is very helpful when it comes to certain decisions, but there are some choices that require more time and some would say a deeper level of thought. I have made many decisions based off of the pros and cons system. There are times when I have had more cons than pros and still decided to go for it because that was just the decision I wanted to make at that time. Sometimes it worked out and sometimes it didn't but internally I felt as if I had to take that gamble.

     I am one of those who believe that we usually have the answer but we spend time weighing our options because we are trying to logically come up with a different answer or we spend more time asking other people for their advice about the decisions we should make about our own life! Have you ever been faced with a situation that required you to make a decision, then you make a choice and things do not go right after you made your decision and your immediate response was I should have followed my first mind. It is often said that the spirit or your inner being direct and guides your decision making but we have to yield to it, despite the softness or faintness of its presence.

     I guess what I want you to gain most from this post is to be sure when it comes to decision making it is okay to sit back and think things through but at the same time there are certain things that do not require a lot of thought such as the decision to love yourself, to further yourself whether academically, personally, professionally, spiritually etc. but creating a game plan to build yourself will take as much action or effort as it will figuring out the means in which to get you to the place in which you are trying to reach. Also, with decision making don't be afraid to make choices and know that sometimes not making a decision or decisions is just as bad as not making a decision at all. We are not perfect beings so we will not make the right choice, each and every time so do not beat yourself up if in fact you make a decision that doesn't have a pleasant ending to that choice. There is more to be learned from mistakes and the lessons that it teaches than making the right choices at times and that's the very thing that is not elaborated on enough in our current society. However,  we do not have to learn from only our mistakes and choices we can learn from that of others' which can help aide us in learning to be better decision makers, which in turn can teach you how to be a wise decision maker.

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