Sunday, January 31, 2016

Encouragement of the Day!

"Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is your strength." -Ghandi
We all face adversity in life, some of us face more adversity than others but whether you face small or large challenges only you can ultimately decide how that resistance will be utilized. You can turn it into fuel or you can allow your challenger to become your captor and submit fully to adversity and become stuck and stagnant. I would like to encourage that sometimes it is so normally to get stopped in your tracks or journey by the things of life but time will pass and that is one of many things of this world scientist and geniuses alike have no control over and that is time and nature, neither can be stopped so no matter how long you have been stopped in your tracks by life's challenges choose to eventually get up and be productive. You owe it to yourself to contribute your gift, talents and purpose to the world.
-Happy Sunday

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Encouragement of the Day!

"Do it now, sometimes later becomes never!"-Unknown
I thought this quote was so fitting to those who struggle with procrastination. I myself often times struggle with procrastination, probably more than I would care to admit but don't let procrastination rob you of your potential and dreams. If you can't find a reason to make things happen create a reason to make things happen for yourself. You owe it to yourself to live and enjoy what you are doing while you are here. Everything doesn't have to be about money however it can be hard to spend alot of time enjoying doing what we love even if it does not generate us alot of money because society has created this image that nothing is worth seeking unless it draws in alot of money. Your love should come from the passion or fulfillment your receive not the love of the amount of money you will receive from it. So get started on that thing you love and don't let society money shame you about the revenue of your passion.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Provoking Thought of the Day!

A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.-Albert Einstein
I love this quote above by Albert Einstein, it is so true. Many of us are so afraid of failing that we become unwillingly to step out and attempt our goals, dreams or desires because we fear failing, we fear making mistakes or we fear how others' will perceive us if things don't workout. I tell you sometimes it can be more of a burden to be stagnant and have your mind clouded with regrets and what if's than to simply just step out and take a chance. Sometime the overwhelming picture of where we ultimately would like to end up overshadows our attempt to just take baby steps, just one step at a time. We all have greatness within us but let that be your fuel and motivation and not your fear!

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Provoking Thought of the Day!

The tragedy in life doesn't lie in not reaching your goal. The tragedy lies in having no goal to reach. 
-Benjamin Emays

Monday, January 18, 2016

Motivation of the Day!

You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great. -Zig Zigler

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Growing as a Newly Published Arthor

Today I went to my very first Writers Group Meeting and it was so amazing. I was proud of myself for one stepping outside of my box and doing something totally different with my daily routine and networking with other writers, very experienced and seasoned writers, in which all have been writing longer than I have been alive. This was new, challenging yet rewarding because I am a true creature of habit and Change and I never really got along to well. So for that I am proud of myself. The second reason why I am so proud of myself is because I read one of my non-published poetry pieces aloud to the group and the floor was open for suggestions, critiques and feedback. I am so proud of myself for this as well because for me it was all about trusting myself that I was okay to let that wall down to let others in on something so precious too me which is my writing. I really enjoyed the Writers Group and I am looking forward to sharing more of my written work with the group, as it will help me to become better at my craft.
If you are a writer or you have a particular niche that you have a special interest in and are just beginning or experienced maybe you should research and find meetup groups in your area that you can participate in, develop yourself more or invest in others so that you too can help to create a sense of purpose in yourself or others.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Self Challenge....50,000 words to build focus

Debating about doing a 50,000 word challenge for my new writing project that I am currently working on. Since I have already began working on the new writing project. I am trying to find ways to focus and enforce the ideas of strict deadlines in my world of creativity. If I do this I wonder if my creativity would be the same? When I say creativity I mean the quality. Not everything that is written will be published, in fact most of it won't become published but to say the least I wonder if strict deadlines can help build my focus as a writer? Will have to test the theory and possibly take you guys along on the journey with me. Happy Tuesday!