Sunday, January 31, 2016

Encouragement of the Day!

"Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is your strength." -Ghandi
We all face adversity in life, some of us face more adversity than others but whether you face small or large challenges only you can ultimately decide how that resistance will be utilized. You can turn it into fuel or you can allow your challenger to become your captor and submit fully to adversity and become stuck and stagnant. I would like to encourage that sometimes it is so normally to get stopped in your tracks or journey by the things of life but time will pass and that is one of many things of this world scientist and geniuses alike have no control over and that is time and nature, neither can be stopped so no matter how long you have been stopped in your tracks by life's challenges choose to eventually get up and be productive. You owe it to yourself to contribute your gift, talents and purpose to the world.
-Happy Sunday

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