Saturday, January 9, 2016

Growing as a Newly Published Arthor

Today I went to my very first Writers Group Meeting and it was so amazing. I was proud of myself for one stepping outside of my box and doing something totally different with my daily routine and networking with other writers, very experienced and seasoned writers, in which all have been writing longer than I have been alive. This was new, challenging yet rewarding because I am a true creature of habit and Change and I never really got along to well. So for that I am proud of myself. The second reason why I am so proud of myself is because I read one of my non-published poetry pieces aloud to the group and the floor was open for suggestions, critiques and feedback. I am so proud of myself for this as well because for me it was all about trusting myself that I was okay to let that wall down to let others in on something so precious too me which is my writing. I really enjoyed the Writers Group and I am looking forward to sharing more of my written work with the group, as it will help me to become better at my craft.
If you are a writer or you have a particular niche that you have a special interest in and are just beginning or experienced maybe you should research and find meetup groups in your area that you can participate in, develop yourself more or invest in others so that you too can help to create a sense of purpose in yourself or others.

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