Monday, February 22, 2016

Derailed by Fear

It is so easy to have dreams and goals but slow down as if we are proceeding with caution  because we fear the unknown. It is my belief that we fear the unknown of failure, disappointment, defeat and ridicule more than we fear the actual feeling of fear itself. It is amazing too me how the human mind proceeds to purpose, destiny and success with caution but we do not proceed with caution towards things that we know may present us with long-term negative affect or destruction. I know because most of us if we are honest with ourselves have done this before, but I encourage you today to step into your greatness. Don't be afraid to succeed, flourish or be nourished into your best self. Rome wasn't built in a day and nor will your vision but you must not be afraid to build it one brick at a time. If you tremble with fear of failing, not getting it right or whatever, map out your blue print and begin. Proceed forward as a builder and build towards your destiny, with welcoming arms of that trembling, embracing that fear because it will take that much more courage in order to conquer that fear but it may take you laying one brick at a time until you are no longer bound to that fear.

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Encouragement of the Day!

The rewarding parts of the Journey of life is the ability to get back up again and continue to move forward and not submitting to defeat but however learning from it.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Your future is created by what you do today, not what you do tomorrow!

Your future is created by what you do today, not what you do tomorrow!
This particular quote really doesn't need to be elaborated upon much because it is true in every aspect of the statement. It is very important that we not put off the things for tomorrow that we can do on today. This statement speaks volumes of motivation to people like me because I am naturally a procrastinator and I have to be reminded often until it is second nature for me to do the things that are in my control on today and not wait until tomorrow. I do believe by enacting this quote this will help an individual develop better habits and better habits leads to a more productive or fulfilled journey. 

Monday, February 15, 2016

Dreams don't work unless you do! -E.Mays

Dreams don't work unless you do! -E.Mays
It is such a myth if we think that we can be successful or achieve our desired goals with little to no work and that is simply false. Whatever you do, get motivated and don't be afraid to invest time, energy and effort into making your goals or dreams a reality. I recall when I was younger I always had a dream of being a college graduate but I learned the hard way that enrolling in school wasn't enough I had to actually work while I was enrolled in order to get the desired outcome of actually being a graduate, so I had to do the things that were necessary, such as get a tutor, put in extra hours of reading or studying for my test, choosing not to hang out with my friends because I knew that I had deadlines too meet. Those sacrifices paid off I ended performing so well, I obtained a scholarship and was able to obtain several degrees. So don't be afraid to invest in yourself and your future, the return will be greater than you can imagine! 

Friday, February 12, 2016

Great Things come to those who don't wait

Great things come to those who don't wait!

I would love to think that we had forever to complete task but the truth is, in reference to accomplishing goals, we don't have infinity to change our situation. We are given 24 hours each day to do what we set our mind to achieve. The time to begin is now. I am the princess of procrastination, I won't say queen because I have a close relative that waits until the last minute to do absolutely everything, including carpooling the kids to school on time. However, research and study has shown that some of the most successful people in the world do not wait around for someone else to make things happen for them. I do not believe that an individual have to be overly aggressive to complete there goals, especially if that person has an introverted personality but I do believe that you have to apply effort in developing good habits to get you there and managing your time, aka not procrastinating would be at the top of the list. Whatever goals you would like to achieve no one else can do it for you. If that means that you must find out what motivates you to get you up and moving let that be your fuel starting out and in order to sustain that energy you must apply good habits such as: Goal Setting, Time Management, and Implementation. So whatever you do, just get moving because good things definitely come to those who don't wait on there goals to just achieve themselves.

Great Things come to those who don't wait

Great things come to those who don't wait!

I would love to think that we had forever to complete task but the truth is, in reference to accomplishing goals, we don't have infinity to change our situation. We are given 24 hours each day to do what we set our mind to achieve. The time to begin is now. I am the princess of procrastination, I won't say queen because I have a close relative that waits until the last minute to do absolutely everything, including carpooling the kids to school on time. However, research and study has shown that some of the most successful people in the world do not wait around for someone else to make things happen for them. I do not believe that an individual have to be overly aggressive to complete there goals, especially if that person has an introverted personality but I do believe that you have to apply effort in developing good habits to get you there and managing your time, aka not procrastinating would be at the top of the list. Whatever goals you would like to achieve no one else can do it for you. If that means that you must find out what motivates you to get you up and moving let that be your fuel starting out and in order to sustain that energy you must apply good habits such as: Goal Setting, Time Management, and Implementation. So whatever you do, just get moving because good things definitely come to those who don't wait on there goals to just achieve themselves.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Encouragement of the Day!

Keep your thoughts positive because your thoughts become your words, keep your words positive because your words become your habits. Keep your habits positive because your habits become your values, keep your values positive because your values become your destiny. -Ghandi

Friday, February 5, 2016

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Encouragement of the Day

When you focus on problems, you'll have more problems. When you focus on possibilities, you'll have more opportunities.
-Kushand Wizdom

It is so easy for us to become lost in our world of problems but what separates the STRONG from the WEAK is often times the difference in how we see things. Sometimes those who are a bit weaker in the mind tend to dwell on the negative aspect of things but those who are stronger tend to have a mindset of optimism. Its like the concept of looking at the glass half full vs.half empty and vice versa. I believe that it is human nature to automatically think the worst, when a problem first arises but the human mind can be trained, just like the human body can be trained. We can train the human thoughts but that takes time. You have to feed your mind positive thoughts until your natural response evolves into optimism and not the worst outcomes so quickly. So commit yourself to learn how to be optimistic and hopeful and the shift will slowly take place to become a more positive you. Happy Thursday!

Monday, February 1, 2016

Encouragement of the Day!

The Secret to getting ahead is getting Started!
When you remain motionless your not being productive and when your not productive you are less likely to fulfill your goals, so lets get moving and get started in achieving our goals.