Monday, February 15, 2016

Dreams don't work unless you do! -E.Mays

Dreams don't work unless you do! -E.Mays
It is such a myth if we think that we can be successful or achieve our desired goals with little to no work and that is simply false. Whatever you do, get motivated and don't be afraid to invest time, energy and effort into making your goals or dreams a reality. I recall when I was younger I always had a dream of being a college graduate but I learned the hard way that enrolling in school wasn't enough I had to actually work while I was enrolled in order to get the desired outcome of actually being a graduate, so I had to do the things that were necessary, such as get a tutor, put in extra hours of reading or studying for my test, choosing not to hang out with my friends because I knew that I had deadlines too meet. Those sacrifices paid off I ended performing so well, I obtained a scholarship and was able to obtain several degrees. So don't be afraid to invest in yourself and your future, the return will be greater than you can imagine! 

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