Thursday, December 31, 2015

Encouragement of the Day

Though this is the last day of the year and this is the time many people reflect on the year that they have had and set goals or resolutions to do better for the new year but lets be mindful that the things that will make your changes stick is developing good habits. You have to create the habits that will bring about the change you want to see. For instance, if you would like to be a bit more healthy, then you must create habits such as drink less soda and choose water as your primary drink of choice or eat less processed food, in order to make this a permanent change and not just a temporary resolution.  I look forward to seeing some of the resolutions or habit changes many of you would like to make. Have a safe and happy New Year!

Friday, December 25, 2015

What do the lonely do at Christmas?

The Holiday season is not always the most amazing time for some people, especially the lonely. There is a legendary song committed to loneliness at Christmas time, by the Emotions released in 1973. What do the lonely do at Christmas? If you are in the lonely category and you are able to engage with others, get out of the house!!! Do not sit around in sorrow or depression go out and mingle. Go bowling, to the movies, to a pub, or better yet get out and spend time with other people and when you do that you will forget about how you feel. So to all my lonely people what do the lonely do at Christmas. The lonely are taking charge and the lonely are going to be active! Lets go to the movies or bowling lonely people, and if you don't have money just mingle, that is always free. Happy Holidays!

Working through the Holidays

Committed to my new writing project I decided to work during the Holiday Season. Working on the new manuscript this morning was so rewarding despite being extremely tired from the lack of rest and the potentially dangerous weather experienced here in the South East Region of the Country.
In reference to working on my long writing projects such as a Thesis, Essay or Books I have found that it is more comfortable for me to hand write my projects first then go back through to type it out, except for poems and of course blog posts, I feel less intimidated typing poems from the birth to the end of the work. I have a habit of looking at my word count and amount of pages when I doing long writing projects. I tend to get distracted by the less important part of the project which is page numbers and word count instead of being focused on the most important part which is quality work and creativity. If I continue to work hard through the holidays and get those ideas out of my head and onto the page the sooner you guys can read the new book. Happy Reading.

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Winter Weather is great for reading

Because we spend so much time on the inside in the Winter it is usually great for curling up under a blanket, with a hot cup of cocoa with marshmallows but I personally prefer hot Tea with Lemon and honey and grab the remote and watch a great movie but because winter has not rolled in for most of the United States right now it is kind of hard to recreate this idea or this vision because it is simply too warm.
However, I am hopeful that the weather will soon turn and become drastically cold because I live in the South and warm in the Winter for us usually means terrible tornado's, so for this reason I am extremely hopeful that it will get cold soon.
I also would like it to become cold for another reason. I want to be able to curl under my blanket and challenge myself to read as well as write. I notice that I am more productive from a reader and an author's aspect in the Fall and Winter Season and during the Spring and the Summer I am a bit more active because I am not limited to the inside. Since it has been warm I have found myself without a book, pen or paper but with the remote and my new writing project is not getting as much attention as it deserves. So I am challenging myself and I no that if I write, and post it I will be more likely to hold myself accountable if I put it into the Universe so not only am I holding myself accountable those who enjoy my work will hold me accountable as well because they do ask, how the project is coming along so that helps to keep me motivated because I know that I have a ton of people waiting for this work to be finished so they can read it. So instead of a weight loss new years resolution I am challenging myself to a resolution to put in more time reading and creatively writing despite the weather because I know that it is apart of what I desire to do. Also, I am not waiting to the New Year to enact this challenge I have already started so, I am committing myself to put in more time reading and writing daily despite the weather and that is literal and figuratively speaking. Have you guys thought about what changes or challenges you would like to enact for the new year?

Friday, December 18, 2015

Motivation of the Day

Work hard and be proud of what you achieve.
You have the ability to make or break your destiny. On your journey you will feel lack luster about your goals and your plans but sometimes we have to get motivation and encouragement along the journey to help us reach our destiny. Youtube is filled with motivational videos and you can always purchase cd's of motivational speakers from Amazon or your local fedex/kinko's store if you have one, so that you can listen to motivational sayings in your car while you are driving to work, running errands etc. You would be amazed how your mental engine can get a boost just off of listening to words of encouragement, motivation and hope. So be kind to yourself today and soak up a positive message. Great Day to all!

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Monday, December 14, 2015

Motivation of the Day!

Don't stop when you are tired, Stop when you are done!
It is so hard achieving and accomplishing your goals so make sure that you stay the course and put in the hard work and effort that it takes that can aide you in becoming prepared for greater opportunities when they present themselves, even when you are tired, take a water break but don't stop your journey until you get the desired results.

Friday, December 11, 2015

Im Enough

To know that you are enough takes alot of work and investment of time and energy in yourself to build a level of confidence that you need to be able to hold your head high and know that even with your flaws your are flawlessly created. Learn to build your confidence by trying new things. Incorporate something, a new adventure or it could be something small it only has to be something new. When a person steps outside of their box and try a new adventure or even taking baby steps and try a small task it does something to their confidence. It makes them less afraid to try new things and thus resulting in a bit more confident than you were before stepping out. So work on trying something new big or small. See you along the journey!

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Awesome Reviews on the book

The book has been getting really good reviews so if you haven't read it yet, check it out men and women have both been able to see pieces of themselves in the book. So don't forget to get your copy today. Head over to and type in Im Enough and there you will find the hard copy or the ebook. It is also available at Barnes and Nobles, in store and online. You can find it at Amazon as well as Apple Ibooks and Samsung Play books. 

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Second Book Signing

Sunday, December 6,2015 at Tuscaloosa Public Library 2pm-5pm. Come and join us to get your copy of Im Enough. The book sold on sight will be $10 but the book is available at Barnes and Nobles in store and online, Amazon, Apple Ibook and Android Play books.