Friday, December 25, 2015

Working through the Holidays

Committed to my new writing project I decided to work during the Holiday Season. Working on the new manuscript this morning was so rewarding despite being extremely tired from the lack of rest and the potentially dangerous weather experienced here in the South East Region of the Country.
In reference to working on my long writing projects such as a Thesis, Essay or Books I have found that it is more comfortable for me to hand write my projects first then go back through to type it out, except for poems and of course blog posts, I feel less intimidated typing poems from the birth to the end of the work. I have a habit of looking at my word count and amount of pages when I doing long writing projects. I tend to get distracted by the less important part of the project which is page numbers and word count instead of being focused on the most important part which is quality work and creativity. If I continue to work hard through the holidays and get those ideas out of my head and onto the page the sooner you guys can read the new book. Happy Reading.

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